Be-Paws We Care, Inc. (BPWC)
is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization . We are an Animal Advocacy Group that provides low cost spay and neuter assistance to Pickens County, GEORGIA residents and their pets as well as a trap-neuter-return program for our feral cat communities and their caretakers. These programs were created to help reduce the unplanned, unwanted, and homeless pet population in our community.

Hope Is Where the Heart Is.... and our Hearts are with the Homeless Pets . We Strive to give them a Second Chance at life and a life free of unwanted litters!
Be-Paws We Care, Inc. (BPWC) is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Pickens County, Georgia. We are an Animal Advocacy Group that offers low cost spay and neuter assistance to Pickens County, GEORGIA residents’ pets as well as a trap-neuter-return program for our feral cat communities. These programs were created to help reduce the unplanned, unwanted, homeless pet population in our community.
Julie Raming, CEO/President / Volunteer
Pamela Case Levitt/Vice President/Volunteer
David Patrick, CFO/ Treasurer / Volunteer
Suzanne Champitto, Secretary / Volunteer
Jennifer Aaronson, Director/Spay-Neuter Initiative in Pickens (SNIP)
Angie & Jay Bird, Volunteers
Eileen Roller, Volunteer
Increase Spay-Neuter Initiative Pickens (SNIP) participants, outreach program and develop an awareness program of the benefits of SNIP.
Expand the Pickens Community Cat Program (PCCP) to assist those with residential "outdoor" and feral colonies by loaning traps and providing access to low cost Spay-Neuter services .
Fewer homeless and abandoned animals at our shelter
Affordable Spay & Neuter for all companion Animals
Stabilize/control the Community Cat population thru PCCP
Public Education and Awareness, Responsible Pet Ownership

As an animal welfare/advocacy organization, our goal is to increasing the number of community pets that have access to low cost spay and neuter through SNIP as well as PCCP, with our long term objective is to see a reduction of our county's overall homeless and unwanted pet population.
Be Part of the Solution:
Adopt, Foster, Sponsor, Volunteer, Donate and Educate